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Old 06-12-2004, 00:48   #20
Join Date: May 2003
Location: in a swamp.
Posts: 901

Here's a better view at the other source I know of:


On my side, the attack on Shuru (now on size 7) resulted in 2 dead horsies (1 elite), 3 retreats and two wins. It appeared that Shuru was defended by 2 pikes and 1 spear (1 pike was not fortified! thus likely rushed and no other defenders). 1 pike and 1 spear had been killed.
Since there was no harbor, I pillaged the road to Shuru (cut off iron) and brought the other stack into attack position (131):


Elsewhere, a reckoning galley morsed the positon of 2 easy victims working on a hill (no units aboard):


Second blow on Shuru, killed the remaing pike and a (rushed) spear at the cost of 1 horse (plus 1 retreat), got 3 slaves out of it (132):


133, my galley had picked up a warrior for the obvious naval assault (warrior killed by knight on IBT, but at least robbed 2 slaves):

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