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Old 30-11-2004, 14:54   #25
Lt. Killer M
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quote:Originally posted by Matrix

Alright, perhaps one sentense with 42 words and no comma's wasn't such a good idea.
you make a lot less sense than me, here:
Firaxis made the best game ever: Civ3.
true, so far
quote:Because of that we all play it as much as possible.
quote:Because of that we find out all the bugs there are in Civ3.
erhhhhh..... nope! Play for 1 hour and you meet ten bugs. 45 after the first 5 patches.
quote:Because of that most bugs we know are in fact coming from Civ3.
uh, no, i played Falcon 4.0. But Falcon wasn't as easy to fix as many BS things in Civ would have been (and turned out to be after enough whining and ranting by certain forum crowds)
quote:Because of that we blame Firaxis for making so many bugs.
nope, I blame them for producing a game full of bugs because they produced a game that could have been bug free full of bugs.
quote:We then forget about the fact that they're made the best game ever.
Nope, but we also don't forget that they produced one of the needlessetdly buggiest games ever.
quote:In fact, we don't even want to buy anything from Firaxis anymore.
Yep, until it is finally relatively bug-free. (talking C3C latest patch here, that's what had been promised all along, after all)

quote:Is this more clear?
I hope I screwed it up, I jsut haven't found a way to enter a jsut into the above part
One more turn..... just one more turn... one MORE!
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