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Old 29-10-2004, 04:46   #8
Justus II
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Peoria, IL.
Posts: 173

We've progressed another 15 turns in our game, and I was able to reach Writing ahead of my neighbors. I don't know about the other continent yet, but Akots mentioned he is at war with one of his AI, so hopefully that will slow his development.

I debated hoarding Writing for a while, to give myself a head-start on Philo, but finally decided to trade it right away, for three reasons. One, I could get Iron Working and Wheel (among other techs) so I'd know where the resources are in planning my settling. Two, I still have almost no military, and I'd have little choice but to give it away if it was demanded, so the longer I held it, the more risk I would take. Three, Japan was willing to offer 3 techs for it, while Carthage would barely offer two (even at monopoly), so they were probably researching it themselves. So, I decided to get what I could out of it. Japan offered the most, and I got Iron Working, Warrior Code, Ceremonial Burial and 13g. Then I was barely able to get The Wheel from Carthage, I had to chip in 18g+1gpt, without the Monopoly bonus.

The good news is we have both Iron and Horses nearby. I was concerned about the horses, actually, as I didn't see any, but after checking, Rotterdam is settled right on top of them! And Iron is nearby, and on the protected NE side of the capital. So, my expansion should go on as planned. Amsterdam finished the Granary, built a quick worker, and will pump out a quick settler to grab the dot due W (by the Oasis), before switching to a barracks and military. Carthage has settled about 5 tiles south, and theres a green border peeking out from the fog near the FP to the SW, so I want to settle something in that direction ASAP. Rotterdam has nearly completed it's granary, and will then switch to settlers, starting with the Cow hill. After that, I should be able to settle north and northeast in a more orderly fashion.


The land mass to the south was indeed an island, and after scouting the edges, I let the curragh take a shot into the deep blue, but it didn't survive. The other is still mapping the back side of our continent.

I hope to reduce the time on Philo once Rotterdam is connected to the Silks. Looking at the research choices the AI have, it would be quite unlikely that they'd go for Philo before any of the others, Map Making is much higher rated. And I don't think they can research that AND Philo before I get there, so I'm still confident.
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