Thread: Deathmatch III
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Old 03-10-2004, 14:55   #147
c00l b33r
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Just reread my own spoiler and although basically everything is in there just a couple of remarks:

Couple of things that really helped in the first 10-15 turns:
- The lack of a credible Mayan defense. This improved a little when Shabba took over but it was impossible for him to turn the tide at that point. No Maya SMD and easy denial of Uranium access.
- The Golden Age as result of the Manhattan Project. Imagine what +50% shields mean if building expensive nukes. Same for treasury, Russia was doing about 1500gpt.
- 20 turns non-agression pact with the Mongols signed just before the Mayan campaign and well before PP left.

Biggest gamble:
- Sending a Transport with 6 Marines to capture Technotitlan and with that the Aztec SMD. It worked and payed off. It was also right in time as Mongols and Aztecs just had decided to form an alliance vs. Russia. Aztecs and Russia signed peace immed. following the assault.


Toughest plan:
- Invading Mongolia. Although Mongolia and Russia were direct neighbours the respective cores were separated by huge stretches of water. And an always present risk of any stack being nuked. akots playing with his eyes wide open. At first I really didn't know what to do until I noticed that there were less and less Airports in Mongolia and hence quick reinforcement of the city island in the NE would not be possible.

Preferred combo:

Marine + Transport + Stealth Bomber. Period. Logistics of these basically determined the pace of the game.

Actions fully or mainly performed by the combo:
- Capturing and razing Palenque. Maya 102 shield Uranium gem city. Coastal city on the Russian side of the island. Resulted in Uranium denial.
- Capturing and razing Yaxchilan. Maya coastal city on the Russian side of the island. Resulted in dramatically reduced risk of a Mayan invasion.
- Capture of Cuello. Final resort of Mayan government on a 3 tile island in the middle of nowhere. Cuello was nuked 1 time. Resulted in defeat of the Maya.
- Capture of Tenochtitlan. City of the Aztec SMD. Allowed 100% guaranteed nuclear hits. Resulted in Aztec withdrawal from their Eastern core and breaking the Maya-Mongol alliance.
- Capture of Batshireet (port to Mongolia). Although the actual capture was done by Modern Armor a Marine was needed to clear the landing tile of a radar Tower. Resulted in a six tile distance to the core Mongolian island.
- Capture of Alamrikh. From this city Karakorum with the Mongolian SMD was captured same turn with Modern Armor. Allowed 100% guaranteed nuclear hits.
That was a pretty good gamble. -- Scotty, The Galileo Seven, stardate 2821.5, Episode 14
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