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Old 07-07-2004, 11:41   #10
Sir Eric
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Australia.
Posts: 265


Well things were plodding along nicely. Digger had taken over all the Roman territories and I had invaded the big continent and invaded the Indian territories after dispersing of the Persians on my Island.
Digger had a nice hold on the mainland and I had 5 cities that I was re-culturing to the ways of the Ottomans.

Then disaster strung.....
Digger sneak attacked me on the main island.
He landed troops near Calcutta and took it.
I retaliated by sending my troops south to attack Delhi, which is that pile of rubble near my stack of Sipahi.
Whilst I was in the south attacking Delhi, the bloody Iroqious attacked me and took Bombay.
Next turn Digger abandonded Delhi, loosing the pyramids in the process and the Iroquious took 2 more cities, Cattaraugus and Lahore.
Meanwhile my troops are down south resting after there big fight and cant return to defend my last city Karachi.
In the meantime I send a caravel to Diggers island but he has units on ALL the coastal squares so that I cant land any units.
He also has lots of Ironclads so that I cant get re-inforcements to the mainland.

So now my troops are isolated on the mainland with no way of getting help to them.


hmmm. I cant load the jpeg, I'll try again later.
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