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Old 25-06-2004, 19:06   #7
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Sorry Arghis... I have no time to play a lot more PBEM's...

My time will be severly limited in the coming months. Therefore I promised myself to only start up one new PBEM, against a very special foe (Killer [] ). I will have more time as from October, but I highly doubt that I will be as enthousiastic about C3C then as I am now. I gradually am getting the feeling that I am mastering the most challening things about C3C. What I find challenging is the concept of a game, which doesn't include everything you can do. Like making HoF attempts or having the patience of MM-ing to the very detail..not my cup of tea. Mastering a game has always been my drive (be it Doom, Grand Prix or CIV, etc...).

After that I will probably only play pure fun games once in a while (Aggie's norm of once in a while is still frequently for others). And I get the most fun from Succession Games.

In the last couple of weeks I won a 5CC on deity (in a Succession Game, so with a help of other players), two Sid games (domination in a SG and Diplo single player) and a lot of weird and difficult other variants. There are still a couple of challenges left (Sid Defiant, random game Sid, Always War Deity,...), but the end is nearing rapidly.
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