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Old 18-06-2004, 20:36   #16
Join Date: May 2003
Location: in a swamp.
Posts: 901

turn53: Contact to Celts. Sumeria now knows maths Celts get it for cheap 32g before they aquire it elsewhere in no time.

turn56: Contacts seem to spread among the AI. Zulus got 3 techs within 2 turns, they beat me to writing by 1 turn. I could sell writing to the Celts for HBR, mysticism and 5g. Sumeria gets writing for 42g. I open an embassy in Athens, the Greeks could be an ally vs Aggie later on (1 MA every 20 turns is allowed according to Aggie's rule-set for PBEMs which we want to follow).
I plan to send a small force of 3 galleys to Aggie. It looks like I need (roughly) 30 fucking turns to fill them. This is such a loooong time that I decided to research philo (9 turns) before map-making (17), hoping the price for mm drops meanwhile.
The Celts appear to be too close for comfort.
They are my neighbours to the west and there's a safe route to me... I hope they hold their gosh.

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