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Old 13-06-2004, 08:02   #7
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Turn 72: Yes, right. Now Japan, France and the Iroquois have currency! One turn after my deal round. I put all my citizens on taxmen and make 18 gpt.

-France sells me the Currency for 18 gpt and 104 gold I JUST made it here!! I get Feudalism for free .
-Xerxes of the Persians gives me 34 gold for Currency. His free tech is Monotheism.
-Xerxes gives me Monotheism and Monarchy for Feudalism
-France spends 10 gpt and 526 gold for Monotheism. All Joan has.
-The Iroquois pay 743 gold for Monotheism
-Japan has 7 gpt for Monotheism
-The Maya pay 52 gold and 3 gpt for Currency
-The Zulu give me 149 gold for Currency

My expansionist trait has helped me BIG TIME in this game. Despite the fact that I hardly popped anything. The contacts (made by scouts) were vital however. I have two MA techs in turns 72 and Beam lacks:

After rearranging everything I make 1 gpt and have 1508 gold in cash. First thing I do is establishing embassies. The Zulu and Persians are my direct neighbours and luckily heavily at war. Beam knows everyone but France:

My sad piece of land:

Beam can research Literature. At the moment his only gambit to get back in the tech race. I decide to go 90% Literature now at -30 gpt. I should have it in 8 turns...
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