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Old 12-06-2004, 17:03   #7
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Turn 79: I establish an embassy in Berlin (anarres). To my surprise he is est of me, not west...

Turn 81: Very interesting. My two neighbours that I know of -Rome and Korea- kill each other. They have bost lost a city already.

Turn 87: I finally meet another tribe. The Maya! Only to see that they already discovered Literature . But Rome hasn't got it yet. So i trade:
Literature from Korea for 11 gpt and 15 gold. Rome gets Literature and 10 gold for HBR. Germany (anarres) hasn't got it . I can now build those nice horsies!

Turn 88: The AI is in the Middle Ages What am I happy to have a decent core and more landgrab opportunities. Anarres is far smaller than me and also backward. I WILL try something when I finish the build up phase. He's at war with Germany and I think it is not in is favour this soon. That must have slowed him down a lot.

According to the Demographics, I'm doing well:

My lands:

The powergraph:

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