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Old 10-06-2004, 15:15   #26
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Krys conceded.

This was a very nice map and I loved playing it. I especially like the fact that an AI sneak attack can be killing. You simply can't neglect your defenses. The other good thing about it (imho) is the fact the the AI cities are almost impossible to take. A LOT of units in there, especially the capitals, making things tougher and make the AI more powerful vs the human here.

But there are also things I found less appealing about such a game. The AI produces too many units, because they run out of things to build in the beginning (before galleys). That means that they go bankrupt and slow the tech pace to turtle speed. We were at turn 180 and only at the start of the MA!

Another issue is the strength of the Lighthouse. My 5 movement galleys, able to sail the seas were uber units on this map.
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