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Old 11-05-2004, 13:48   #41
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Well to clarify "its just a game" as quoted by sMeli.

I'm trying to get a sense of perspective here. Yes we are surprised and shocked. Its not something that we at CDZ do. It only happens elsewhere, doesnt it?

Well no.

Sadly in my opinion, worthy though ladders and leagues are in many respect, as soon as you introduce that level of competition, you make winning too desirable, losing too awful and cheating becomes inevitable. It happens in every type of game. I dont know any online game or offline game too that doesnt have players who cheat. I'm surprised everyone is so shocked.

People play games for a whole variety of reasons. I play for fun and to relieve the stress of a tough job. Others play for different reasons. I dont like losing but it doesnt particularly bother me if I lose a game of Civ. Like most people I have far more important things going on in my life - and to be honest - my life would probably be better if I spent a bit less time playing games like Civ.

Why do players cheat? Lots of different reasons. To see if they can. To show how clever they are. Because they think everyone else does it. Because winning is more important than playing. Because they cant stand to lose. Because there are too many bad winners. Because they are self destructive. Because they dont enjoy playing any more ... you can add your own.

Yes I'm surprised if Sky cheated but I dont particularly care much. CDZ is a social site first and foremost for me. Civ is incidental. I cant get worked up about what is in the end "just a game". I find some of the outraged morality round here somewhat over the top. If you've never cheated at a game in your life, then you are a rare and slightly sad individual.
I can't be arsed.
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