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Old 31-03-2004, 19:07   #9
anarchist butcher
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: United States of Whatever.
Posts: 4,677

111: I finally meet Germany, I have just India left to meet now and I think I know where they are.

I gift Germany Currency, and they get Engineering as their free tech. Oh well, I was hoping they got Mono.

117: My FP is finished! The idea is to have a very loose build here on my island, and when I get astronomy to take the Dutch homeland as my second core with a Palace rush. Because I will be under the OCN the cities shouldn't be too corrupt.

122: Research Mono. England and the Netherlands already have it, they must have got it this turn. They also both have Invention, so I guess they both researched one each and swapped.

Kingreno has the Great Library, so I have to sell it to everyone straight away.
Sell Mono to France for 37 gpt and 35 gold.
Sell Mono to Germany for 34 gpt and 7 gold.

128: I meet the last civ - India. They don't even have Writing yet! [] I gift them techs up to Republic so they can start earning me money!

133: Research Theology.

The last thing I want to do is to let Kingreno capitalise on the Great Library any more than necessary, so I sell it around to the AI where I can.

Sell to the Dutch for Invention, 11 gpt and 46 gold.
Sell to Germany for 26 gpt and 12 gold.
Sell to France for 4 gpt and 60 gold.

I am at war with England, and I don't think Kingreno has met either India or Sumaria, so I won't gift it to them.

137: I notice that the Dutch have a long sea route to the England/Sumeria islands, when I have Education I will get them in an MA agianst the English to deplete their forces.

138: Pay Sumeria Monotheism for an MA against England.

142: Research Education.

Sell to the Dutch for Gunpowder, 11 gpt, 31 gold and an MA against England.
Sell Education to France for Chivalry and 12 gpt.
Now I gift techs to those missing them, so KR can't sell them on. India and Sumeria are both unknown to KR still, but he will get contact soon...

Finally I sink one of KR's galleys in my lands to trigger my GA, without it I am 10 from Astronomy, now I am 7.


148: I research Astronomy, 1 turn early from the Uni's I have been building. FUCK! I ended the turn, but forgot to sell it on for Chemistry. Oh well, as long as KR doesn't get it this turn and gift it to everyone I will be fine.

149: Sell Astronomy to France for Chemistry, 33gpt and 50 gold.

150: Sell Astronomy to Germany for 50 gold and 37 gpt.

France has Printing Press, I can't afford it. Instead I sell contact with England for 11 gold and 4 gpt.

151: ARRRRGGGHHH!!!! I lost a pre-build with 350 shields! Since I have only OCN/2 cities the palace is worth shit, and all the wonders just got taken...

153: Research Navigation. I am going to try to get stuff without selling Nav, since I am keep to keep the WM trading to myself.

Sell Theology to Sumeria for WM.
Sell Feudalism to India for WM and 6 gold.
Sell WM to the Dutch for WM and 7 gpt.
Sell WM to the Germans for WM, Gems and 7 gpt.
I get Printing Press from France, but it costs me dear: Spices, Ivory (my only one!), Saltpeter, Iron, Contact with India, WM, RoP and 4 gpt.
Sell Printing Press and contact with the English to Germany and get Wine, 42 gpt and 3 gold.
Sell Printing Press to the Dutch for Dyes, Incense, 12 gpt and 9 gold.

Hmm, I can turn lux down to 0%!

Kingreno (Carthage) is lacking Printing Press and Astronomy, but could possibly have Metallurgy by now (unlikely though, given the cost of techs and the smallness of our empires).

My plan is unfolding very nicely, I have 5 lux's instead of 2, I have Unis almost everwhere, Cathedrals and now Markets being built or recently completed, and +77 gpt at 100% science. Since my GA started I have been #1 in GNP and Mfg goods, but the great news is that I am now #1 in Pop, Literacy and Life Expectancy too!

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