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Old 24-03-2005, 01:18   #1
c00l b33r
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Default Deathmatch IV - Discussion Thread

Matrix introduced the Deathmatch (DM) concept which ultimately resulted in the very dynamic DM III won by Domination by the author of this piece of proza. Revenge feelings never left akots and Matrix so they were eager to sign up for DM IV as was Dell who also has to settle a bill with said author and as a matter of coincedence was looking to start a 4-player game.

What's a Deathmatch?
Matrix made this into a plain and simple concept. Each player starts with all techs available, worked and settled lands, most if not all improvements in all cities, most Wonders obsolete and a small but nice Army to start with. In other words, main focus is on the military to get each other down.

What's so nice about it?
The straight goal and the many, many options to achieve that goal. DM III learned that it really is a game of combined arms and theatre awareness.

What will be different compared with DMIII?
The map can make a huge difference and should be balanced without being identical from each players starting perspective. Some new units add juice to combined arms / theatre awareness. Like the Russian Alfa attack sub and spy satellites (will post some pix when back home). Some units probably need to be more balanced as well. Last but not least incorporating Kingreno's Small Wonders producing units is a nice addition.


Right now we are with 4 players and my personal experience is that the more players there are in a game the higher the chances it stagnates. So, is this the optimal number or can there be more players without the game stagnating to often?

Maptype? Pelago really is very nice for combined long range arms, but other maps might give quicker gameplay?

Which units need to be balanced, if any? ICBM's seem to be overpowered for example.

Feedback appreciated.

PS: 20th Century Contest isn't dead, but a more challenging project than this one.
That was a pretty good gamble. -- Scotty, The Galileo Seven, stardate 2821.5, Episode 14
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