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Old 11-01-2004, 17:38   #15
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 1,214

Shame to see you quitting PBEM's, Aggie, although I respect and probably understand your reasons very well. It is a pity that a fun game such as Civ inherently can be so time consuming. That's why I got a liking for playing PBEM's iso SP-games, because they are less addictive and suffer less from the 'just-on-more-turn'-syndrome. To be honest Civ was one of the primary reasons why my studies lacked any progress the last two years, but the switch to PBEM-ing gave me the opportunity to play the same game but at a different intensity (have I mentioned yet that since this December I am drs. Plux ?). Anyway, I hope you will continue to be a regular visitor of this community, and if you ever see the C3C-light again, of course don't hesitate to return here and pick it up again!
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