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Old 06-01-2004, 15:32   #27
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: dead.
Posts: 2,349

We are now at a crucial stage in the game for me :
- I am 1 turn away from Republic
- Korea has Currency so we only miss Construction now !
- My forces are ready to be upgraded in Aydin my border city and attack 'en masse' the Americans : just need HBR and 100g to upgrade my 20 chariots to Horses
- I have 4 or 5 settlers ready to re-settle the US.
- With Rep at monopoly (I hope) I will be able to synch our passage to the Middle Ages and maybe use the "Big Picture" screen so that the 3 of us get the 3 first MA techs.
- I have one galley going round but I dont expect any contact yet...However that galley has allowed me to sell my WM every other turn to the AIs for almost exactly my deficit of research
- Kemal has overtaken me in score in a very drastic way: he must be expanding like mad but I have stopped my expansion in order to build free settlers for the second core. If I dont get a Leader am dead but I have to take risk if I stand any chance vs the Master himself.
- I have stopped my mil build up to start Libs in my core so that I can research fast during MA in order to take adavantage of the free Sci techs me and my neighbours will get.

Notice on the picture how Washington is at size 1 : imagine the Pyramids get auto-razed

<font color=\"brown\"> <b><i>\"NOT back from the dead\"</b></i>
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