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Old 08-12-2003, 21:58   #30
Join Date: Apr 2003
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Posts: 2,349

All looks good.
Gotta hate producing a 6 food bonus in Amsterdam but oh well

2510 : the curragh meets the greeks, they are only up the Wheel and dont have Pottery, give them a bit of gold with it, then the Babs dont have the Wheel but Mysticism, swap trhat with some cash and finally go to the Spanish and exchange Mystic for Masonry plus change, then turn around and sell wherever I can. Nice 3fer
The weak AIs are broke, Vikings are dominant with no gold but HBR and IW up on us, then the Babs have IW and gold, then the rest of the AIs (Spain, Greece)are level or under us with no money.
We still have 173g making 10 gpt.
I could have bargained our whole economy for IW but its not worth it, will wait for miser price.

2470 : worker is produced in Rotterdam, set to Settler.

2430 : press enter

2390 : Slaves finish to mine the BG in Amsterdam we finally have our 4 turn settler factory... Settler is produced and sent to the spot at distance 2
Wow ! am I glad I waited, the Greeks get IW and have no Mystic : they are OK for a straight deal (they have no gold)
The Vikes have Writing (16 turns before our min sci comes in...) Nobody else has it or can afford it.
The Hague is founded in a very crowded randstad We have Iron right nearby. Cant see no horse btw...

2350 : press enter

2310 : Play around the food tiles : Amsterdam does not need the irrigated wheat flood plain so it lends it to Rotterdam who needs to grow to get shields.
Decide to swap Rotterdam to a Warrior as we need MP instead of 30% lux for 2 turns at size 5.

2270 : Bingo we find and Indian Curragh ! They have 63g and lack Mystic and IW. Just Mystic is enough to bankrupt them.
Vikes still have monopoly on Writing and wont part from it even for 300g and 10gpt [argh] Not that I would do it mind you

2230: Another settler out. Spain gets Horseback Riding and lacks IW, this is too easy.. In a solo game I would never
acquire it now its very early to be producing Horses but with the increased cost of upgrade

2190 : Bang Rotterdam gets hit by disease but produces a warrior, the Zulus (??) complete the Oracle.

2150 : We get hit by disease *again* even though I tried the work around. Madrid completes Colossus.
Utrecht gets built on hill by wheat FP.
By the way The Hague produced a warrior and now is making a worker. The Indians have a worker available and neither HBR or IW, great stuff, just HBR buys it and they give 5g on top (their whole treasury)

Here is my proposed anti-RCP future cities, good sites actually, that anti circle is great !

And the save !
Good luck to anarres !

Download Attachment: [img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] William of the Dutch, 2150 BC.SAV
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