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Old 26-06-2004, 19:23   #1
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Default great no-AI PBEM

Hello PBEM freaks !!!

I'm coming with an idea for a great PBEM that could interest many of you. It would be a PBEM game that would feature many human civs and no AI civs. The map will be heavily customized, so as every player has fair chances. I hope that with CDZ players, the game could go at a fast pace, though featuring many players.

Beam and I are currently setting this up. We're thinking of using C3C 1.22 of course. Some settings that we think will make it to this game include :
- Demi-God or Deity level (remember there is no AI) ;
- possibility of having 2 or 3 settlers at the start ;
- a rather symetrical archipelago map, with almost or exact same starting positions for everyone ;
- maybe a rather large starting island, a few smaller ones, and many small ones ;
- a standard-size map ;
- maybe little tweaks like no Statue of Zeus and Knights Templar, no SGL's, and so on...
This list is subject to debates between interested players.

We're thinking of having at least 4 players, and no more than 8. This could depend on other settings... About civs, it may be obvious that the seafearing trait will be a must-have, so we're thinking about tweaking civ traits : players' input may help here. Maybe the map will be like it is not so strong after all. Beam is currently searching a mapmaker for this.

Well that's it. I may edit this post if I forgot something.

We're waiting for strongly motivated players for this game, that could last a good while. And don't hesitate even if you feel you don't usually play on Deity level : no AI but many human players will change the course of the game so much that it won't look like a typical 1v1 game.
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