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Old 14-11-2003, 21:11   #63
Ehecatl Atzin
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: The Moon\'s Belly button.
Posts: 280

quote:Originally posted by smalltalk
Do you blame the very principles here? Or do you blame the West, that has not been able to live up to its own standards?
It's quite a difference.
It's a mix of the two. On one hand there is the West that has given these values of freedom and democracy to the world, but on the other hand it has made it clear it will not support them outside it's borders. Why can The States and Europe pass legislation protecting their agriculture and industry but when the same legislation is passed by other countries they are imediatly slaped with detering trade and unfair practices? Why can the States pass a 30% tarif on steel imports but boicots Mexico for having a national monopoly on comunications? Ask yourself why has capitalism been so efective in the West but failed so miserably elsewhere, except Japan that has used that same imperialistic model in Asia, I highly doubt it is because those people can't implement it correctly... at the very least it is because those systems of production aren't adecuate to those people, at the most it is because outside influence hasn't let it happen.
So you see, our societies cannot believe in those priciples because they emanate from nations that we've learned not to trust. Anything that comes from the States is viewed with suspition and with a lesser degree the things that come from Europe (except for argentinians... most can't stand England).
And I'n not saying socialism is the way to go, on a very broad view of them, capitalism and socialism tend to the same end; it is the way they get to it that differs. The "third world" needs to implement systems created by them specifically for their societies and stop importing social proyects and ways of production created for societies that have little to do with them. And the West needs to stop exporting these plans as if they where the only way to achieve progress, some values are universal, but the way you implement them is how they differ. Liberty is understood very diferently around the world, from a classroom in Frankfurt to the jungles of Brazil, and people need to be able to implement them how they see fit, not how others think, or think they think , suits them best.
~If getting gas .50 cents cheaper means the systematical extermination of an entire culture, I\'ll walk.
~The resistance will be as transnational as capital.
~The Revolution is also made with bricks-- Dr.Atl
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