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Old 07-04-2004, 22:49   #1
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Default Trainee PM's prices!!

Only in my 2nd full season on Hattrick. Got a 28k stadium and a passable coach and my youth systems up to solid.

I started training scoring initially and I'm waiting for my two main strikers to advance to excellent before I switch training to playmaking.

I've only got two inner midfielders desirably young enough to train so I'm budgeting to buy 4 young trainees. Is it just me or are some of the prices pretty crazy though?

I was looking for 17-19 year olds with only passable PM and inad passing and defending. Bid for a couple of 17 year olds but the bidding went above 125k for each one so I pulled out. I dunno the prices just seem a bit high.

I'm top of my level 6 division and have drawn a 28k+ crowd already which I was chuffed at. Currently I've got just under 100k in the bank with 5 home games left to play this season. My estimate is that I'll draw around 400-500k profit over the remainder of the season, so I was budgeting this in to how much I was going to look to spend on each new trainee.

Considering my income and my 28k+ stadium which I thinks pretty good considering this is only my 2nd season, the prices for some of these young players seems a bit high.

Is it just me or am I just being a tight git? lol

I dunno I'll prob try my luck in the market again on monday but the way it's going I'll prob end up hoping my youth systems brings thru a couple of decent ones. lol
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