Thread: Mouses or mice?
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Old 10-09-2003, 22:42   #12
Join Date: May 2003
Location: in a swamp.
Posts: 901

So you asked for it...

quote:Originally posted by anarres

If they invented a new input device and called it a 'sheep', would you get 3 sheeps or 3 sheep?

I always want to get three cheap!
But as input device, I'd prefer to keep my mice over the newly invented type of devouse called "sheep". Those sheeps may be sheeper than mouses, but I suspect that such a sheep might loose a hair once in a while.
You know, two much hares lying around can really fuck up the functionality of your balls.

btw, this is where my problem starts: if I put a genitive plural form of mouse before "balls" in the above, would it be
1. "mice's balls"
2. "mice' balls"
3. "mice balls"
4. and if "mouses" become popular:
"mouses's balls"
5. imagine some choices here
X. "mouf ballf" (somebody removed your teeth, or, for the record, tooth - if that was already your last one)

seriously, I voted "mice" & kind of like such polls/discussions
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