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Old 04-09-2003, 19:03   #19
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It is indeed amazing. The Ottomans and Greeks together had 12000 gold in cash. I was at first a bit dissapointed with Medicine as free tech, but now I'm only two techs from Scientific Method! This game is really fast paced too, because we are just at turn 150.

Good thing: stealing is twice as expensive and at this moment an immediate steal already costs 2500 gold.

I decided to leave the AI alone for a while. My first real war may start when I get panzers. Jack surely has a couple of conquistadors, but does het really have the heart to attack the leaders of the world, the Persians?

The world map at turn 151:


The powergraph:


Turn 153:

I now make 393 gpt without rails (no science, lone scientist on sanitation). This is largely my own income. I pay about the same sum of gpt as I receive.
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