Thread: Mods/Tools
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Old 04-09-2013, 16:35   #3
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by BCLG100 View Post
So I've got BTS now as well as Civ 5. Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for mods to install? I know Civ4 had a lot of very decent and useful mods but as i do not frequent cfc too often anymore i'm not too up to date. Is there anything similar to the way the old cfc HoF mod worked (i.e. giving you warnings about things about to happen).
When you are fed up or unhappy with the standard gameplay balance I`d recommend trying the Gnk Enhanced Mod (GEM mod) by Thalassicus. It adds some units/buildings etc and reworked some of the gpt workings and stuff, barbanian aggression, etc.. you might find it an improvement. (includes all different kinds of events!!)

I'll list the mods that I sometimes use for improved/extended gameplay.
- Christian Schisms (divides christianity in some of its better known factions
- City limits (improves city limits view)
- Civ V unofficial patch (interface improvement) .. well recommended
- Expanded Civilopedia entries
- Custom advanced setup screen
- Faster aircraft animations
- Historical religions (more religions, kind of exhaustive)
- Infoaddict (more diplomacy info)
- Krakatoa fix (there seemed to be something wrong with the standard placement of this wonder)
- Non-nuke happy Gandhi
- Perfect World (map generator to improve mountain/hill placement, it`s not highly recommended or flawless imo)
- RED Modpack (More units per unit tile, no mechanics changed)

This is most of what I use.. but there are so many..
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