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Old 12-02-2013, 21:15   #36
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Originally Posted by Matrix View Post
I feel oblidged replying to it, as I have been active for the Dutch Pirate Party the last couple of months. (Adios, CDA.) But then again, Shabba and ProPain have pretty much defended their stance as if they were Pirates themselves. (With a capital, that's how we like to call ourselves.)

But back to copyright. Here's my problem: how should musicians, authors, movie makers be paid fairly? (Even) I also disagree with Socrates here: if artists don't get paid, there will be less art from them to enjoy. For musicians I don't really see an issue. If we pay them for concerts, merchandise and perhaps even cd's for those old-fashioned music lovers, they are better off than they were. Just a fact: since Napster, the average income of artists has increased, while the income for record companies has declined. And I do not care about the latter. The problem I have is with the rest: books, movies, software. How does an author get his money if we download his eBook from a torrent? Movies: sure, they get revenue from the cinema, but there are plenty of (good) movies that don't make it to the cinema. And what about series? I'll be damned if I have to wait until Game of Thrones is broadcast on the Dutch tv and have to endure commercial breaks. But I want to reward them for their creativity and hard work as well. I could buy the dvd's, but that would merely be out of courtesy as I will have seen the series already.
I've seriously considered voting for the Pirate Party. One of the reasons I didnt vote VVD last time is their stance on the download issue and even worse the 'download charge' they support on writeable CD's, MP3 players. Especially that charge I find ridiculous. What;'s next, pay 15 euros a month when you get your driovers license? Cause people are speeding and we don't always catch them.

furthermore I totally agree with you.
I fed my Dog the American Dream
Well, he rolled over and he started to scream
He said, I dig the taste of salt but it don't keep me alive yeah, yeah
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