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Old 07-02-2013, 09:32   #31
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Originally Posted by Socrates View Post
And this has not been done to help the poor musicians, but to help the rich, cultural industry.
That is not true. Of course that is the effect it has, but authors gave away their rights for a lump sum of money. I don't pity them. Digital distribution could be a better way to get the money to the "right people", but only if you value their work a non-zero amount. I've already seen books sold as an indie bundle (you pay whatever you want), that's pretty awesome if you'd ask me.

Originally Posted by Socrates View Post
I say piracy (for music and movies) is not a big deal today.
It's not a big deal, that much is true. It has spread to software. It has spread to books, and it will spread to newspapers as soon as they create a paywall. I doubt the "hype effect" that illegally copied music undoubtly has goes for books and news. I'm not so sure if that's not a big deal. Why do you make the distinction between these products? There's no moral or legal distinction between these products (there is: software is better protected by law).
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