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Old 03-02-2013, 09:48   #3
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You guys had unlimited data mobile access for a fixed monthly fee?? We have always been capped in France, with extra consumption costling big bucks.

Your comment is interesting in that you are bringing the concept of innovation on the table. Something we NEVER hear from existing business and opposition to net neutrality. What pisses me off is when our representatives (State, deputies) do their best to protect their lobby friends, instead of acting for the people's interest. So it is always about protecting industries, and never the people, and France is very good in this regard in the field of Telco.

My personal opinion on ISP is that they should stick to just be the "cable men", and forget about adding content services all the time. Again, in France it is terrible. If you want an ISP that totally respects net neutrality, lets you use the Internet as you wish and can propose Internet with no telephone and no TV, forget about the 5 major companies here.

As for web sites (and mobile apps? dunno, don't have a smartphone) needing large bandwidth, I think the root problem lies is the way Internet is used today: like a big, fancy server-client consumer market. P2P in general would be the way to go, with every citizen and company acting as both a client and a server. Again in France, ISP only provide ADSL connections, used for download, not upload. And our graduated-response law on digital piracy, "Hadopi", currently targets P2P sharing. So it is not incenting people on using the Internet the way it should be used. Therefore we get problems with music online: it is just more simple and safer to go to Youtube than to use Bitorrent today. But Youtube is often choked (slowed down) by ISP because of said "huge bandwidth", ie. an attack on net neutrality.
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