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Old 29-01-2013, 15:33   #22
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I was tied for elective heir with 6 votes before I became king, but clearly all my vassals hate me. I don't know how the voting mechanic works in CK2, I can't find anything about it. I have some suspicion that I might be royally screwed though.

For starters, my close family votes for the HRE's firstborn son. This guy can't possibly be very popular, since he's only 6 or something. But since the HRE is my son in law, that little brat is my nephew (or cousin, freakishly difficult english family vocabulary) so my close family is his close family... and I suspect this makes them skewed towards voting for him. Why they're not voting for me... well, maybe it's the whole kinslayer thing, I don't know. Since they are all plotting to get rid of me and I keep discovering their plots, our relations are warm (nice mechanic, that). So mutual relation isn't a factor in it, of that I am sure. I'll find out when I die, hopefully my heir won't have the kinslayer trait

So it could have something to do with my stats, or my status as king, or my warmongering. Yet my father didn't have better stats and did more warmongering. Maybe the size of my realm is threatening the other electors.

Anyway, I'll keep my (rather: my heir a.k.a. the new me) daughters from marrying the HRE (good plan, as they;re family... or wait... inbreeding in the Salian's line would actually benefit me... MUAHAHAHA! THE PLOT THICKENS!) and hope someone in my line of succession gets good stats. In an elective monarchy I would expect the strongest nobleman to have a decent shot at the title, so I am confident it's possible to become emperor. I hope so, because the lands those Salian holds is cutting my nice kingdom in half.

P.S. Speaking of heirs, a lot of my vassals have been dying of stress lately. I'm not sure if I have something to do with it, but if I do, this game is even better than I thought. I can imagine the constant warfare could induce stress. Anyway, my second son (duke of Koln and Saxony) died of stress, my brother (duke of Gelre) died of stress, and even my oldest son (duke of Thuringia) died of stress. Luckily he has two sons, but you'd never guess it: his oldest son (duke of Thuringia) died of stress! So my son's second son is my current heir.
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