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Old 10-09-2012, 16:59   #67
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I have to admit that I CBA to play hattrick anymore. I have put zero effort in my current season, and I will finish third. I even made a profit this season while selling only 1 2nd team trainee. Considering that my 1st team trainees aren't even worth that much (oh hello unstable economy!), I don't expect to make a lot of progress. I still have 15M in the bank though, so I should be able to keep this up for a long time. Why bother? The only goal I have in this game is to get to that 10 year mark, but since I doubt I'll get a trophy for it I'm not even sure I should try. Sure, playing the CDZ cup is nice, but when I'm not even thinking of entering lineups and w/e, should I keep on trying? I'm not so sure.
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