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Old 17-04-2012, 15:31   #214
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An extract from Hattrick Youthclub's latest blog post.

Additionally to this new page, we were able to increase the twin recognition rate for HT Supporters. Player Avatars are the best and safest way to detect twins, therefore HT Users who are not HT Supporter cannot profit from Twins that much. For them we also have a small chance to get a twin, but it is comparative low.

In some analysis we figured out, that we could improve the twin recognition rate for HT Supporters from 25% to 33%. That means, that now for each third player in HT one twin exists, of course for some players exists more than one twin and therefore you cannot assume to have 5 players with a twin in your team with 16 players in total. The rate will be lower and of course some will not have a single player in their team with a twin for weeks. For non-HT Supporters those rates are way smaller, we have not made an analysis there, but i assume the rate is reasonable smaller than 5%.
For me it found 2 extra twins.. no real exciting info but this should make the YA even easier to plan.
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