Thread: Starcraft 2
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Old 14-09-2011, 10:46   #45
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2vs2 Troubles.

Ok, me and PP are still on our way up to respectable leagues. We are having trouble playing against Zerg. Especially if it's double Zerg we are yet to win a match. We always play P/T.

I watched a few replays and I think here is where it goed wrong. We wall of our ramp (depending on teh map either our individual ramps or the main one). We do manage to kill any zerling rush 80% of the time. PP builds a Depot wall with marines. I make a zealot on hold position on a one space hole in teh wall, with a canon to back up. This sounds okay, and to be honest, a lot of interfora then suggest the game is won. NOT. We still lose. The zergs just send in wave after wave and expand as well.
If they do not rush, they expand or go for better ground units or mutalisks. We will both have made expenses for the wall and we lose 95% of the time.
I ALLLLWAYS scout after the first Pylon so we know when a 6-pool or 9-pool is incomming.

So: what do the better players do when they face ZZ?
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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