Thread: It's demo time!
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Old 05-08-2010, 17:20   #1
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Default It's demo time!

No TF2 demoman, but a Civ5 demo. As in, a playable lobotomised version of Civilization 5. Really! Besides the announcement of Civ5 I can't imagine any news about Civ5 that could be more exciting than this announcement:

Many of you have written on the forums and emailed in questions about whether or not there will be a public demo for Civilization V.

Well, today I am excited to get to tell you that yes, there will be!

The demo will be released in September, before the full game is released. More details about what will be available in the demo, as well as the exact release date are coming soon, so stay tuned!
Okay, maybe the better part about this is that it'll be released before the actual game. Good? Yes. Awesome? Definately? The best? Maybe the news about the giant death robots is even better. At least I know that the demo will be good value for your money.
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