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Old 05-08-2003, 23:01   #9
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: USA.
Posts: 127

Well, I am at turn 190 now (or thereabouts). I have just about finished off the chinese (will post screenies when I get my comp back. I have a leader on the shelf. Not sure what to use him for. Probably Newtons or Smiths. I'm sure I can get at least one more while attacking the greeks. I have switched to Republic from Monarchy (hard to think all that was worth it after 7 turns of anarchy, but I have been at war for 75 turns or thereabouts. The greeks are next on my shopping list.

I'm generating 300 gold per turn w/ research turned off because OPD owes me metallurgy when he's done researchign it. Then the research gets turned on full force for Mil Trad and I have some Greek for dinner.

I think OPD has all he can handle in the French. He's been at war with them for a while and hasn't made much headway. That's good news. Other good news. The french have evidently discovered Navigation and desperately (to the tune of 36gpt) want saltpeter. So that's a nice income and they can build musketeers to hold off OPD.
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