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Old 13-10-2009, 10:02   #104
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Originally Posted by akots View Post
If I would have fought with Drakness, somebody else would have won, may be even you, and I would have certainly lost since I was quite behind in production and a couple of turns behind in research. I would have preferred Darkness to win. His game was well played and we waged a couple of very nicely executed military campaigns together in close alliance. I don't mind to let somebody else win especially if this win seems logical and well deserved IMHO. And I would not break a deal under these circumstances. I had no other contradictory deals with this particular deal. That deal was required at the time it was made for both of us. Darkness was able to wrap up Robi and I was finally able to finish it off with BCLG and to recover afterwards. That gave us both a worry-free window for building up. He was bigger and stronger but at the time the deal was made, I thought that it would have been possible for me to get more or less even with him or so I have thought probably being overly optimistic. So, the deal was quite fair and I don't regret making it. Because, TBH, if I would have had to wage wars with Darkness and BCLG at the same time, the outcome would have been very predictable. Indeed, India would have been gone from the map in no more than 10 turns.
Thanks for the kind words akots.

I completely agree with your assessment of the situation. War between the two of us at the end of RTW2 would not have benefitted either of us, it would only have benefitted a third party. And to break a deal for the benefit of a third party makes no sense to me. Our deal was very beneficial to the both of us I think. Together we crushed Russia in the beginning, and during the middle part of the game the deal provided us with a secure partner that allowed the allocation of resources to the elimination of other neighbours (China for you and Rome for me). In the late game any struggle between us was useless (IMHO) because such a struggle would have completely drained the victors resources allowing a third party to win by space. The only option remaining was to team up with a lot of other partners to eliminate either India of the Vikings. IIRC Matrix even offered/suggested this to me, but I saw little use for it. I was more interested in keeping the homeland safe and stable for the spaceship win and getting revenge against the Aztec barbarians (who also played a very good game, IMHO, especially considering the relative isolation of the starting location)...
"Death is lighter than a feather, but duty is heavier than a mountain..." - The Eye of the World
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