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Old 11-12-2003, 23:34   #1
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Default Citizenship ceremonies (bash yo nation here!)


"I, [name], swear by Almighty God that, on becoming a British citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors according to law."
So "God save the Queen" is still more than just a song by the Sex Pistols.
"I believe it is only right - and indeed what new citizens themselves will want - that our national flag and national anthem should be part of this important day alongside appropriate symbols of the local community and the final guidance to local authorities will reflect this.
Home Office Minister, Beverley Hughes

quote:Respondents were invited to consider 8 specific questions, and gave answers as follows:

Q1: Should national symbols - the Union flag, and the national anthem - form part of the ceremony ? Should some national cultural activity [eg a piece of music, song, poem] be included at the start or end of the ceremony? Do you have any suggestions?

110 respondents said that the use of national symbols was appropriate; many ageed that these should also be augmented with local symbols and flags [including Welsh and Scottish flags and music] to give local flavour to ceremonies.

16 objected in general terms to such national symbols.

Six said such symbols were not appropriate to ceremonies taking part in Wales, and would object strongly to their presence there.

Two said they were racist and non-inclusive, and that the Union Flag was too associated with racist organisations such as the BNP.
Is this for real? Or just a bad joke?

Hypothesis #1: Sickos are distributed evenly around the world. And the ratio is 110/24 = 4.6/1
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