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Old 27-02-2008, 05:08   #6
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Madison, WI.
Posts: 555

I'll look at head to head formats.

The problem I have with them is that any individual week is too random, especially for pitchers to use a rotisserie scoring system and points based scoring systems are hard to set fairly (so they don't overvalue certain stats or a single monster game from one player wins you the entire week, such as A-Rods 11 RBI day or Fernando Tatis hitting 2 grand slams in the same inning). If there is a two week head-to-head schedule I will use that (probably rotisserie scoring) or if you could come up with a fair pts system I would be willing to look at that.

Any thoughts on artificial position scarcity? (last year I included an extra middle infielder as they tend to affect the true performance of team and often get shafted in fantasy. For similar reasons I made holds a category as middle relievers are crucial, but get the shaft in fantasy).

One change I will make with head to head is limiting the number of transactions a week to prevent "streaming" where players pick up and drop pitchers like crazy to get the most starts (and presumably wins and strikeouts) as possible.

Tentative draft time of March 15 at 3 pm Central time work? Let me know if you have other suggestions for drafting.

Also add Mauer and Grahamiam from the other thread as playing this year. Feel free to invite a friend to join as 12 teams is more fun than 8 (I know 1 other person from WI that would like to join, giving us a league plus there are a couple from last year who haven't responded [cough! romeo cough!])
\"All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it\"
H. L. Mencken
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