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Old 24-10-2007, 20:40   #82
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quote:Originally posted by BCLG100

Mali's start is still absolutly balls, it may even be worse than it was before- can we not smack a few hills down there maybe an oasis or two? realism can only go so far.
I played a practice start as the Vikings just now and I noticed two things

1. Christianity was the first religion founded??? In 3680 BC? That can't be right...

2 I have to say that I find the map very unbalanced.
Two examples:
- All the Vikings have is furs. No other luxury is reasonably attainable playing against human players. The health resources are OK, but the Vikings are basically pinned down and can only expand in one direction, which will be heavily contested. And there's almost nothing there.
- Strategic resources are extremely unbalanced. Now I only looked at the Vikings and their nearest neighbours, but all the Vikings have is iron. Rome has copper, iron and horses within 6 tiles of Rome. Russia has horses and iron inside the fat cross and a copper in northern siberia, which can be easily blocked from everyone else.

Not trying to bash the map-modders here, but maybe some more work on Europe could be done?
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