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Old 06-10-2007, 12:34   #19
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@ Romeo : Yes I'm very attracted to Ancient Greek stuff, but that doesn't mean I consider it the end of it all. After all, many movements existed in that society, you just can't agree with them all (fucking sophists ). And yet I humbly agree I know very little about it, if you check CFC, you'll see I've used the title "Researching Philosophy" for years : all I know is that I know nothing (all hail Socrates, down with the sophists ). Last point, I have my hero as my avatar (with shades ) ; don't think I'd become an emissary of Satan if suddenly I changed my avatar to hellish stuff. I'm just a Frenchie behind his PC.

Where did we come from?
Species-wise, very probably from Lucy and big apes, and then from primary mammals, and then from single cells.
Where are we going?
To Mars if I believe Bush. I don't know, SURPRISE !
How do I handle death?
In any case, you don't need to think about it. Just prepare to die. We'll all get the same treatment, it's not because you believe in Heaven that there is a Heaven. If you're a good man and if there is a Heaven, you'll end up there. If you're a good man and if there is no life after death, you'll die and rot, and jump into total void, just like before your birth. So, no need of believing, just act good.
Is there an afterlife?
SURPRISE ! You won't ever know before dying anyway. And you won't know it if there is nothing.

I have no problem with teaching creationism and ID in religious class. That's where it belongs. There is no God in science. Just like there is no study of cow digestion in mathematics. Differences between creationism and the ToE is so huge that one must be complete crap. When you know that the former is supported by people with an agenda, the case is clear... ID is the same, people with an agenda and goals. That's just moisture to me. You can believe what you want. But don't throw your agenda on the Youth, they didn't ask for it.
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