Thread: Future of CDZ?
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Old 11-09-2007, 21:48   #11
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The frontpage. IMHO we don't need one ! Do we need to attract new players through the frontpage ? Do we need to forever expand ? I don't think so. Having only the forum to care about should be good enough.

The ladder. When I joined here, I quickly found out a ladder wasn't that fun anyway, and that this wasn't the purpose of the site. I'd rather come here, have a cookie, engage in one game now and then, have a chat with people, etc... (like in CDZ meetings ) rather than trying to beat everyone at the ladder. But then, if enough people really want it...

CDZ own Pitboss server. Why not ? PitBoss is not my cup of tea anyway.

Tournaments. Too time-consuming for me.

IRC chat server. Why not if enough people are interested ? Could be an alternative, since I'll end up leaving MSN (and everything related to M$) quite soon.

Featured articles. Why not.

This was just my half a cent. I haven't played Civ for a few months and don't plan on resuming anytime soon. But I like it here. Besides, I've always been for a forum change, but these days I don't mind if we make the move or not (I waited too long). Nevertheless, I've studied computing recently and I'm now working in IT, which means I could be helpful (ahem). Even if I'm not a top dog like Meli eg., dealing with PHP sounds appealing.
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