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Skyfish 17-06-2003 10:26

[crazyeye] [party] [crazyeye]

[eek] What started as a joke is now real ! [eek]

(sounds like me getting married..[hmm]...[blush2])

Anyway, the idea is to set up a meeting point in Amsterdam on Sunday July 27th and get as many CDZers to join :D

I will propose different ideas for cafes and restaurants and provide necessary information as to how to get there.
I can also help with any accomodation or transport issue, short of offering a place to crash at my place : we're now full ! [sad]

Melifluous will be around of course as co-organizer ;) with the wife [:o]
Most of the Dutch contingent is expected to show up, we count on our "almost Dutch" Killer M to do the 3 hour drive it takes to come from Tueblingen, We need more UK guys so the brothers and col are expected to show up, as well as Digger : if you're an Aussie in Ireland going to Amsterdam for a week-end must be like walking to your back yard ;)
Also I have a mate at Air France who can arrange a Concorde ticket for Cartouche Bee to make a make supersonic appearance.

To make it interesting, I will provide all participants with some free Amsterdam [stoned][smokin] upon arrival !
My version of a welcome pack [lol]
Good news is there will be NO name badges :)

ERIKK 17-06-2003 11:42

I will put july 27th in my agenda!

Also, Schiphol sounds much better than Venendaal for a Lan-party IMO! We could fly in our foreign members linea recta!

Cruise 17-06-2003 11:45

I might have a tennis tourny final day that weekend, that is... if i get that far. We'll see what happens.!

digger760 17-06-2003 11:46

I can't make it sorry, i am off on a stag weekend. Even if i was free i don't know if my other half would approve:(

Skyfish 17-06-2003 12:00

So your other half approves of you going on stag week-end but not to go and meet some very quaint and quiet nerds playing a politically correct boring TBS game [confused]

Skyfish 17-06-2003 12:03

@ Erikk, latin classes are a few centuries away... help me out there "Linea Recta" = " Directly in your rectum ?"

ERIKK 17-06-2003 12:05

hehehehehe [lol]

Lt. Killer M 17-06-2003 12:08


3 hours doesn't gett me far past Frankfurt....... but I'll show up if I can!

Aggie 17-06-2003 12:26

The 27th? OK. Unfortunatelly I don't have a LAN, although I DO live close to Schiphol...

ERIKK 17-06-2003 12:41

So, Sky, what were you planning to do that day?

As Mel is on his holiday in Amsterdam, will we be doomed for waterbiking the canals and visiting the sex musuem??? Smoke one in a coffee shop is OK with me and visiting Hooters too => we can all have a pic like Cruise been made! [groucho]

But serious, what's the plan?

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