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ProPain 08-04-2003 17:10

Ladder rules
Join the 1v1 ladder today and find out how good you really are!

Now lots of people are playing 1v1 (PBEM) games it seemed like a good idea to start a 1v1 ladder. After 'some' discussion in previous threads we reached a compromise! And here it is.

When you subscribe to the ladder you start with 2500 points. When you win a game you gain points when you lose a game you lose points according to this table

Rd H L
0-100 50 50
<200 45 55
<300 40 60
<400 35 65
<500 30 70
<600 25 75
<700 20 80
<800 15 85
<900 10 90
>900 05 95

Rd = Rating difference
H = amount higher ranked player gets if they win, and also the amount the lower ranked player gets deducted.
L = amount lower ranked player gets if they win, and also the amount the higher ranked player gets deducted.

No player can have less than a 100 points. This means if you're on 100 points and lose you won't lose points just your dignity.


The ladder is 1v1 only. It doensn't matter how you play (PBEM, online) just as long as it's 1v1.

Win/defeat conditions
Very simple. Last human standing wins, draws are not possible. It's prohibited to refuse to continue a game to prevent a defeat. When a player doesn't play for over a week or less than 5 turns a week without a valid reason, his opponent can submit the game to the ladder staff and be awarded the win. (after both parties are heard of course)
Players using the infinite shield reload exploit will automatically lose.
When you and your human opponent disgrace yourselves by both losing to the AI then the human player with the highest score wins.

Game characteristics
You can use any game characteristics you and you opponent agree on (map size, map age etc)

Map generation
You can chose a random map if you wish. If you want to ensure the both of you have a reasonable start position you can ask a 3rd party to generate a map for you. Ladder staff is always prepared to do this, or check a random map or you.

Minimal game requirements
To stay in the ladder you should at least submit a game every 6 months.

Joining the ladder
You can join the ladder by emailing to
Please use subject : ladder subscription [nickname]
You can not submit a game for the ladder unless both players joined the ladder.

Submitting a game
If you want to play a game for the ladder competition please:
- send an email when you start the game containing the 2 participants. Include special rules you might have agreed on (for example: every player may request a restart in the first turn once)
- send an email when you finish the game. Include participants, winner and a zipped save game.

Current games
Currently running or finished games can be entered for the ladder of both participants agree to do so.

Unforseen events
The ladder admins will award losses to players behaving unfairly.

The ladder admins will accept bribes (think along the lines of cash, liquor, sexual favors) to move you up the ladder ;)

Happy civing!

Melifluous and ProPain

anarres 07-06-2003 21:12

I think the first scoring bracket 0 < 100 needs to be 0 < 99.

All the other brackets are from 100 - 199, 200 - 299, etc.

ProPain 11-10-2003 13:05

New Rules regarding to abandoned games

* When people abandon a game unilateraly their opponents will be granted a win
* The player concerned will be on 'ladder probation' for 6 months
* When a player on probation abandons another game he'll be excluded from the ladder for 6 months
* Only one win per opponent will be granted to avoid 'quitter farming'
* opponents who want to claim a win due to game abandonment can do so by EMAILING the ladder admin. Please refrain from doing so in open threads


digger760 20-10-2003 12:15


quote:Originally posted by ProPain

New Rules regarding to abandoned games
* Only one win per opponent will be granted to avoid 'quiter farming'
What is 'quiter farming'? is it like milking the lower ladder players for points.

Was there ever a discussion that people dont have to accept challenges from people more than 5 places above or below them on the ladder? I am sure it was mentioned at CFC were it all originated.

Aggie 20-10-2003 12:30

@digger760: quiter farming is asking for a win for more than one pbem from a certain person. With the purpose to gain a couple of places in the ladder without any effort. So it has nothing to do with the skill of the other players afaik.

Skyfish 20-10-2003 13:23

What if a player abandons ALL running games they have which means it is more than one game ?
I believe they should go direct from probation to exclusion, no ?
Or you mean one can drop one game PER opponent ?

digger760 20-10-2003 14:20

ok i misread the word quiter to mean quite-er(as in a silent person) (i think a person who quits is known as a quitter with a double 't', but on a similar note i am note sure if quiter, as in to be more silent than somebody else, is a proper word. Sorry i did not mean this to be an English lesson...its just without the clarification i would have guess the a quiter person would be the less experienced...but i was stretching the use of English to jump to that assumption

Anyway, it makes some sort of sense, but i dont see how you could farm quitters, it seems a bit of a random thing to me...besides has anybody actually claimed a win from a quitter? (not that there are many) some people have had to quit, most, if not all, had good reason, as far as i've seen.

Skyfish 20-10-2003 14:25

Quitters are well known, and yes some ppl have claimed multiple wins from quitters ;)

Lt. Killer M 20-10-2003 16:16


quote:Originally posted by Skyfish

Quitters are well known, and yes some ppl have claimed multiple wins from quitters ;)
there have been claims from quitters in an attempt to get them back to playing. No claim was ever made in the running&finished thread, thus no VALID claim was ever made.....

I threatened one prospective quitter I would claim a win should it come to him quitting and he relented and didn#t even start, saving me a lot of time......

ProPain 20-10-2003 17:13

Edited out the spelling error to avoid further confusion.
@digger: I wanna avoid that people start multiple games or start new games every once in a while with a person whos known to abandon their games for the easy points. SO mrA is known to quit games, I start a game now, claim a win when he abandons it. He returns 2 months later asks for new opponents, I start another game hoping he'll quit that too.

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