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akots 07-11-2016 01:23

Civ VI released
So, the game is out and full of bugs as usual. Release version is essentially unplayable. And again, just like in pre-patch Civ3, trades and gpt deals don't work. [lol] And somebody just won a deity game on normal speed under 100 turns selling some silly horsemen. [estwing]

Ratings are decent in reviews but game seems to actually suck even more than Civ5. Anyhow, I'm not buying it any time soon. I think, I'll wait for usual first and second expansion and then, we'll see if it gets better.

On the bright side, Dishonored 2 will be out in a week and it looks extremely tempting. I like this kind of dynamic action. Hopefully, it is not too difficult for my aging reflexes. Although I still do pretty well in single player and multiplayer shooters.

Kingreno 07-11-2016 12:38

Hi guys!

Bought Civ6 This saturdaymorning as both the wife and kids were out for the weekend.....

It is indeed full of bugs, I give it 6/10 max. BUT it is nice to play anyways.

Anyone up for a Multiplayer game? prefer play by Email (is that even supported??)

Greets, Kingreno

Shabbaman 07-11-2016 14:04

I just finished my first game. Some thoughts:
-1 unit per tile is still a bore: it just drags wars on and on, unit micromanagement is boring and the AI still doesn't know how to place it's units. This game is hours of boredom mixed with hours of 1 UPT frustration.
-I have no idea why random stuff takes 40 turns to build
-diplomacy is useless: I don't think this part of the game has been programmed already. At all.
-AI is retarded: I found an empty continent with nothing but beautiful strategic and bonus resources, within several tiles of two different AI. I think the AI doesn't settle because of the amenity malus for more than four cities (in case you didn't know, luxury resources are only distributed to four cities, even if you have multiples. So making more than four large cities is hard).
-bronchitis sucks

On the upside, I haven't broken the game yet so it might be better than civ5.

Socrates 07-11-2016 21:30

So basically it’s still Civ 5 subpar level?

Shabbaman 08-11-2016 08:37

I don't know (yet). Civ5 was/is (no clue if the last DLC fixed it or not) pretty bad. In civ5 you could simply maximize your gold output and buy everything, coasting to a cultural victory on deity. Without the AI perceiving you as a threat.

Having said that, based on Steam stats civ5 is still a very popular game. I suspect a lot of people strictly play multiplayer, and in MP it really doesn't matter what the AI can and cannot do. Perhaps civ5 and civ6 are good MP games?

Since I don't want to end with a positive note: making a fun multiplayer game isn't that hard. When you're playing with friends (or simply fun people), basically any game is fun. By then it's just not the game that's fun, it's gaming that's fun.

Kingreno 08-11-2016 11:02

Finished my first game with a victory yesterday, only on prince level but it was very easy, I rushed the 3 AI with Legionaires/archers. Opposing forces' tactics were horrific. Next game will be on monarch/emp.

I share Shabba's negative points. What I dislike indeed is the very very slow expanding. Buildings that seem not that good may take up to 40 turns to build while early units are very cheap to build (5 turns or so). Having to choose between a Campus district (30 turns and a library in it, 20 turns) for 3 extra science or 10 swordsmen (good ol' sticky point research does not work, but steamroling an AI does) is an easy choice.

Shabbaman 08-11-2016 13:26


Originally Posted by Kingreno (Post 140484)
What I dislike indeed is the very very slow expanding.

Building city districts is one of the major changes compared to previous versions. What is nice about it is that it forces you to build specialized cities and plan in advance. But while you are waiting 20+ turns for just the district to be completed, you are basically doing nothing for a tiny reward. Where this goes horribly wrong is that once you unlock new buildings, you might not have a district to build that new building in. The time spent working your way up the tech tree is more time wasted.

Waiting Simulator 2016.

There, I said it.

Kingreno 10-11-2016 12:04

I will never like the cultural or space vics as you can easily turtle up and just out-produce the AI and indeed use the Waiting simulator 2016. :)

Now trying a ICS strat on Monarch, to see if that is fun. The happiness system is complicated though as only your 4 biggest cities benefit from Luxuries. All other cities get stuck at size 3 and need an entertainment complex (40 turns is no exception...).

Shabbaman 10-11-2016 16:54

Cultural victory in civ5 was very linear, I'm Civ6 at the very least it looks more complicated.

akots 11-11-2016 08:34

I think I'll stick with Dishonored 2 at the moment.

Surely, after some time, they'll fix it and it'll be more or less playable. Just not now.

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