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Socrates 23-11-2005 22:53

Hi Sid & Soren !
Tonight I went to the FNAC des Ternes in Paris (close to the Arc de Triomphe, but who cares ?), for a showcase (or whatever you'd call that) with Sid Meier and Soren Johnson. :) Got there while the intro movie was ending (Lion King music), a little room with like 50 people max (staff included). Then Soren did a little demo to show the major, new features (a bit boring when you know it all), and in the end the video system was glitching ! [lol] After that, there was a lengthy Q&A session ; I first wanted to ask about those st00pid, early, wild animals, but then I thought it was st00pid anyway, so I didn't ask a question (a bit shy too). After that we all got a Civ4 white T-shirt, which I don't think will suit me (physically). [hmm] And then of course, the usual signing session, and I got both signatures on my manual, with the "Get civilized" motto of course. :D As they were signing that, I asked them whether Firaxis would be interested in playing in a multiplayer demogame for Civ4 someday in the future. ;) They were OK with the idea but still objected that such games take so long to end, to which I replied that they DO finish. I also tried to tell them it wouldn't start before some months because we all got to learn the game, otherwise we'd be doomed. Not sure they understood that I was speaking of when it'd start, since Soren immediately went with his "those games take so many months to end" (mine was "it won't start before some months" but I didn't speak very clearly). Anyway in the end I told them to drop 'us' a line someday if they're interested. HAHAHA.

Geeky photo of those sigs tomorrow, when the batteries are on the road again. [mischief]

Melifluous 23-11-2005 23:02

And they are in London on Friday when I am back in London working again...


Matrix 23-11-2005 23:13

Nice, krys. :)

I doubt they'll come to the Netherlands...

ProPain 24-11-2005 08:14

They're affraid of us after ditching the dutch in Civ4.

Pastorius 24-11-2005 09:12

You know the dutch are planned for an xp, right [:p]

Socrates 24-11-2005 17:16

Geeky stuff...
Chapter 1, "In the beginning...", well in the beginning there was Sid (above), then Soren (below), and then it is rather confused, even the creationists are confused. [mischief]

Additional bits of info, thanks to the French folks for writing that down too :
- The SDK is still expected early next year.
- Sid takes the whole responsability ("It's my fault" :D (Civ1)) for the 'spearman vs tank' syndrom, which should have been lowered again since Civ3.
- They're helpless about all the technical problems appearing in various configurations, they're working on it and they rely on the publisher.
- There will be a new online system (maybe within the PitBoss ?) where players will have to take their turn according to a certain schedule, otherwise the AI takes care of the turn. Needless to say that I'm not interested by this system, that's the whole point of being at CDZ. [grouphug]

I also did some quick chitchat with a guy from the BAT team, but he wasn't really involved in that game... [groucho] Too bad. Here is the url for the topic at, the home of the BAT team, there are a few pics of that : Unfortunately, the ones taking many pics were memebers of the staff.

Pastorius 24-11-2005 19:31

ah non. La langue dans l'url est trés difficile.

BTW K-man, what are you discussing there? I only understood le half of le text :D[:p]

For the rest of us, note the cool kissy kissy Firefox smiley that Jacktherabbit has [lol]

Pretty standard stuff to be signing - if he signs all manuals that way.
Unless he thinks you are a barbarian Krys [lol]

Socrates 24-11-2005 19:48

I more or so summed up what it was discussed in that thread in my 2nd post. The rest is some chitchat about people of that forum and stuff...

I think what I got was pretty standard indeed (another one got "Hi I'm Sid and I'm a Civ4 junkie" which will remind you of that CivAnon teaser (check the thread at CFC, in the Civ4 general discussion forum)). Anyway I hope it is standard, because even if I don't look as fine as the old dude on the left, I hope I didn't look like a barb. [mischief] Even if S-man was a tramp (?) of some kind...

akots 24-11-2005 20:53

How cool! Did they speak French or it was in English?

Socrates 24-11-2005 21:36


quote:Originally posted by akots

How cool! Did they speak French or it was in English?
They spoke in English all the way. There was this translator (woman) who was unaware of the game at all, and another guy who helped her when she was lost. Of course I had no problem following what Sid and Soren said, so I would laugh when the woman was lost or when she badly translated something. ;)

Tomorrow they're schedulded in London. Meli, are you going ? If so, ask them to play in the multiplayer demogame, and if they reply they were asked about this by a funny dude in Paris, tell them you know me ! [thumbsup]

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