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Socrates 15-07-2004 00:44

The Swimming Pool - Open Thread
And yeah, it is starting !!! [cool]

This topic can be used by everyone for any public comment about the game. But please post your questions about rules and stuff in the topic inside the Opponent Finding Forum.


The roster :
1. krys - Byzantines (Sci, Sea) - repl. player : ProPain
2. anarres - Dutch (Agr, Sea)
3. Beam - Hittites (Com, Sea) - repl. player : ERIKK
4. Banzai - Portuguese (Ind, Sea)
5. Kemal - Incans (Agr, Sea)
6. akots - Carthaginians (Ind, Sea)
7. Arghis - Vikings (Mil, Sea) - repl. player : Moff Jerjerrod
8. Eldakkar - Iroquois (Agr, Com)

version : C3C 1.22
world size : Standard
land mass : custom
water coverage : custom
climate : custom
temperature : custom
age : custom
barbarians : custom
available victories : all except Wonder
difficulty : Deity
preserve random seed : Yes
allow cultural conversions : Yes

map made by : Aggie

tweaks :
- Civs' traits have changed for some civs (see above), with starting techs matching the new traits.
- No Statue of Zeus nor Knights Templar.

This game will be played along the ISDG rules, with some tweaks to be completely defined (post in the other topic please !).


P.S. : For better suggestions about the name of this game, please go on !! [blush]

Banzai 15-07-2004 12:12

Yeah! lets rock!

Hmm.. a name for this game.. hmm.. what about 'Battleships'? ;)


Matrix 15-07-2004 12:36

[eek] An 8-player game and I'm not in?? :( [cry]

anarres 15-07-2004 12:42

You didn't post in the thread in the Opponents Finding Forum - it's been a couple of weeks in the making...

Matrix 15-07-2004 13:19

Yep. Stupid me. [wallbash]

But have fun. ;) I won't read spoilers, so that I can replace anyone if necessary.

Beam 15-07-2004 13:49

Might be a good idea to have the replacement players listed in the first post. Erikk will be replacing me when I'm away, very happy with that :)

Banzai 16-07-2004 23:09

Played my first turn and sent it to Kemal :)
Unfortunately I have to announce that Portugal is Seafearing / expansionistic and not seafearing / industrious as I requested.
I will continue anyway and will make the best of my scout.


akots 16-07-2004 23:29

So where do I send the save? Which I still have not received.

Edited: I guess I just post it here for someone to grab be it Aggie or Moff Jerjerrod.

Socrates 16-07-2004 23:54

@ akots : You will receive a PM from Arghis about Moff's email.

@ Banzai : Well that sucks. [blush2] I could still live with replaying the turn, but maybe some other people couldn't. Dunno what Aggie has to say about it. I will continue if no one minds...

anarres 17-07-2004 00:18

Lets replay. That would really suck, to lose one of the best traits for the worst one!

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