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classical_hero 22-08-2005 17:00

* * * Murat Spoiler * * * *

This is perhaps the most interesting PBEM that I am playing ATM. It is interesting because of the diplomacy that is going on. I am part of the Anti-Corsica League, this is all the Human players against the French (qummik). Here are the members of the League.

Me - British
James I - Prussian
Luthor Saxburg - Russian
Bathsheba 666 - Austrian
Greybeard - Ottoman

Here is the FA screen. As you can see, there already is some early stages of this pact showing it's colours. I am at war with the two AI civilisation. Screen 2.jpg
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The French have a good size army because they have the two best attacking units and the best defensive unit. So I will have some trouble with them. Here are the hot spots with future action about to happen. The French are going for Amsterdam, as you can see by this shot. spot 1.jpg
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In the French stack is an 11/11 Army of Imperial Guargs, 4 Imperial Calvaries two elites and six Voltiguers
In Amsterdam I have Two Lifeguards, two cannons, one HC and 7 redcoats.
In a flotilla of TT's I have 13 HC's and 3 LifeGuards.

Here is Hot Spot 2. spot 2.jpg
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In The French Stack they have two cannons, 3 IG's, 7 IC's and 4 Voltiguers
In Florence I have 1 LG with one to be built if the city is still mine, two Cannons, 9 Redcoats.
Just outside of Florence I have 1 LG and two RC's

Here is Hot Spot 3.
I was able to take the Spanish City of Seville and the Spanish want it back. spot 3.jpg
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They have three C's that can attack the city with two more the next turn.
I have 1 LG with a redlined RC's, a cannon, and two Redlined HC's. I do not think they will do much damage to the LG.

classical_hero 22-08-2005 17:12

Here is the Anit-Corsican League pact.


quote:Dear all,

Are we all ready to assume an alliance against the noughty men from Corsica?

I think we'll need to agree upon certain things. These are my proposals.


We should make a commitment that NO ONE makes individual peace with the French, without the others agreement. This should be consider TREACHERY by the others and dealt with appropriately.
If such a time cames when the French will want to surrender to us (wishfull thinking) then the decision should be a jointly decision. Some might want to go on with the war, others retire, but it should be (IMHO) a
JOINTLY decision. If we can't agree on that time, then (only as a last resort) we should VOTE and decide. 1 vote per country means 5 votes so no draws there.


My proposal would be a two front attack:
NORTH: Prussia\Austria
SOUTH: GB\Ottoman Empire\Austria

Great Britain should have the responsability of controlling the seas in order to allow us to sail free.

I propose we try to cut the French saltpepper supply. As far as I see, he has 4 supply points: 1 in Norway, 1 in Denmark, 1 near Brest and 1 near Nancy.

Maybe the following Countries could be responsible to try to cut off his saltepper's supplies:
Norway: Russia\GB
Denmark: Russia
Brest: GB
Nancy: Prussia
As a result of this Pact i have sent to every other member these techs. Naval Tradition, Advanced Tactics, and next turn I will send Espionage.

classical_hero 24-10-2005 14:56

Time for an update.

I just killed a French Army. The Army constisted of three IG's and was dwon to 1/16 when i attacked it, but before doing that i had to destroy some French Resistnce on a Hill out side of Brest to attend to first and this is what i had to face.

To kill the Army I had to get to this.

Of course the use of Grand Batteries was much appreicated, especially since I gained four from the stack on the Hill. That softening to the troops is what allowed me to suffer so few casualitie on my side. GB's rock and i will build a lot more in the coming turns.

In due course of the Anti-Cosica League, when I reciev the next turn every member of that alliance will be at war. Here is the most recent FA screen and those Civ that are at war with France.

You can add the Ottomans to the group especailly with this right on the DoOrstep of Milan.

According to my Military Advisor, the cute redhead, I am strong compared to everyone and it is a position that I plan to hold for the duration of the game. I will only have maybe just one more turn of my of My golden age left, so I will just constentrate of money since my Allies can research for me since i have given alot for this partnership.

classical_hero 04-03-2006 18:17

Things are going great with this game. The Anti Corsican League Broke up because we accomplished what we needed to and that wa to make France weak. It also made me so strong that only if I make stupid mistakes that I will not win this game. Here is a pic of the Victory Screen as it is now. I am about 47% of total VPs which has me in great stead for winning this game. I am about 4 times greter than my next opponent, so Victory is almost assured, unless I get cocky and do something stuopid.

According to the Military advisor I am Strong against everyone. It does help to have enslaved about ten MoW and captured 33 GBs, but those are the spoils of war and war has been great so far. I wonder how weak everyone is compared to me.

I have four Armies in the field, two of each big unit, Household Calvaries and Lifeguards. I am producing one right now, which means that I have the Military Acacemy and I can have four units in each army which mean I have the Pentagon Equivalent, which I cannot remmeber the name of right now. The two Life aremies are massive. One is at 21/21 and the other is injured at 3/23, but it should be healed by the next save that I get. This turn I tried to get anothe MGL, but alas it did not happen, but that not too bad. So far I have had no luck in establishing Embassies with others but I will try again soon. One surprise this turn was the Lyons was undefended and thu I promptly took it for my own.

Now here are the various parts of the world I have under control.

British Mainland and Denmark.

British France.

The Italian Penisula. I might lose Florence, but it had put up quite a fight so far, but the Ottomans should not be to happy because I could soon be coming from the rears as I tear down the middle of the former French territory an then i will get what is mine back.

Spainish Territory. Soon I will make a go Merida since I should have enough troops to take it and considering that I have an Army down there, but I will wait for it to be fully fit before fighting and I will wait for some more HCs to arrive before attacking.

This one should be another victory for me.

akots 04-03-2006 21:18

Poor France seems to lose in every PBEM in this scenario. [goodjob]

classical_hero 17-04-2006 08:47

France is no threat to me any more since they cannot build any good units so i will focus on defeating my former allies. Prussia has something like 70 odd defenders (I forget what they are called, but I have heaps of GBs so i should be able to start to pick them off. I am attacking nancy and it something like ten or more defenders. I took a peek at the city, but I forgot to keep the picture.

classical_hero 20-07-2006 11:16

I gave this one to another player. Things are bad from the looks of it, but Britain still has a massive VP lead.

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