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NHJ 14-04-2009 21:31

PBEM vs Matrix - Spoiler
Well, my own subforum to rule with a semi-iron semi-fist, how nice.

Anyway, in this thread I'll try to give an overview of how things are going on the winning side of the PBEM game I've started with Matrix and a bunch of AIs. There's not much going on there so far, since we're still in the deep 3000BC's. Still, this one screenshot shows my starting area of the game:

Afterwards, Stalin was found lurking in the jungles some eight squares south of where my Warrior is in this screenshot, and Matrix was found to the east.

By now, Rillanon has produced a Warrior, and is now working on a Worker to, well, work. After that, a work boat for more food. With the huge amounts of food in the city area, I can probably grow the city pretty large, maybe put some specialists in there.

Also, Matrix declared war on me to be able to check out my land. I'll take some more screenshots later when I get the next save from him.

NHJ 15-04-2009 00:00

Overview of The World As I Know It[TM]. Stalin & Matrix' territory visible. My Warrior is down in the lower right corner, fighting lions.

Darkness 15-04-2009 09:03

You do know Rilannon is supposed to be an island capital right? Where are you going to place Krondor then? On the x I presume, to create a chokepoint?

You seem to be a bit low on expansion space, so I would suggest an agressive approach to the problem named "Stalin".

I see Matrix has followed his usual strategy (i.e. Christianity)... So predictable... ;)

NHJ 15-04-2009 09:27

Yes, well, initially I was under the impression that maybe I started on a small island, and the first native village contained a map of the surrounding area, showing a big part of an island across the water from my capital, so it seemed appropriate at the time. Oh well :p

Yeah, the X marks where I want to build a city. It's a decent spot, some resources and a nice chokepoint.

I think I'll try to do an early rush on Stalin, depending on how fast I get bronze hooked up.

Robi D 15-04-2009 16:24

Will you return the favour and have a look at matrix's patch of dirt?

NHJ 15-04-2009 17:33

I'm not sure. I'll probably try :)

NHJ 18-04-2009 16:53

Matrix is being clever and parked his Warrior south of my capital, attempting to stop me from building and using a Worker. However, I just discovered Bronze Working, and since I'm playing as the Native Americans I can build Dog Soldiers, 4-strength units with 100% melee bonus that do not require resources. Next turn I can whip it complete, and the next turn his Warrior will be dead or fleeing. I may try to build a few more soonish and send them to either Matrix or Stalin to cause some trouble.

BCLG100 18-04-2009 20:28

Don't forget that a rax and a totem pole can get you triple promoted archers, native americans really are an early game powerhouse!

however from another perspective if you're definatly going to win the battle theres no point in whipping it as you don't need to get through straight away.

NHJ 18-04-2009 21:04

Well, I'm still weighing my options at the moment, especially since it's so early in the game. However I don't think I've played with the Native Americans before, or at least not recently, so I'm a bit rusty on their abilities. However, I noticed the totempole/archer thing, but Dog Soldiers seem pretty useful as well. Especially now that I've explored Matrix' starting position, and it appears he does not have copper, where I have it right next to my capital...:cool:

NHJ 20-04-2009 00:37

Quick update: I whipped the Dog Soldier and used it to kill Matrix' Warrior. It'll heal for one turn and then I'll send it his way to see what I can kill/disrupt, together with my Warrior that is still hanging around his capital. Worker will be done next turn.

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