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Mistfit 14-12-2005 14:35

Mistfit Gets Mad... and even
I have been doing everything I can think of to stop from getting hit. I cannot keep more than 25 mil in treasury without getting whacked.

I've done everything I can think of to stop it:

1.) Trained Down = Overnight TFF = 4,500 - 5,800
If there were only a way to fire Mercs I'd go smaller

2.) Lowered my normal hunting goal to rush DA

3.) Bumped DA to close to 1 bil. (will be 1 bil today)

Yet I still am getting hit!

2 hours ago KaraKAn-TR 30,910,111 Gold stolen (95% hit) -

Guys got a SA of 1.4 Bil -

No spies within the last 24 hours (unless someone got thru without me noticing)

There was however this hit:

2 hours ago MP_brawler Attack defended
This guy has no officers and no commander (I figured a n00b)

Is it possible that they are using a second account to get an aproximate defense off of the attack report?

Anyway this happenes every day. So I have to figure I am on someones farming list somewhere as an easy target..... No longer!

I have a 500 mil spy and by the gods I am gonna start to use it to exact my revenge on these guys![backstab]

__________________________________________________ ______________________________________
First on the list:

KaraKAn-TR (attacked me 2 times in 2 days)

4 IS's (he only had 43)

quote:Your Chief of Intelligence dispatches 1 spies to attempt to sabotage 4 of KaraKAn-TR's weapons of type Invisibility Shield.
Your spies successfully enter KaraKAn-TR's armory undetected, and destroy 4 of the specified type of weapon. Your spies all return safely to your camp.


quote:40 minutes ago KaraKAn-TR 23,677 Gold stolen 1 attack used
That should have broken his IS's that I sabbed right?

I cost me one attack turn and 400K for weapon repairs but what the hell [fdevil] He'll know it was from me then!

I'm no longer going to sit by and watch all of my many clicks and hours banking get ruined by some fuck stick that has seen my name on a farm list![aargh]

If anyone is adversely effected (attacked/sabbed) in retaliation to something I have done please let me know and I will try to make it up to you thru clicks or gold the best I can!

I am not asking anyone to join in my little crusade, my intention is not to start wars with anyone. I am just fed up with getting hit so much and want to exact my little revenge!

Shabbaman 14-12-2005 16:22


Banzai 14-12-2005 17:58


Tubby Rower 14-12-2005 18:02

I'd start sabbing his BPM's. You could do more per sab attempt and then he'll break them once he attacks you if I understand it correctly. Plus they are more expensive than the IS. That way at least he can't get any usefulness out of your money.


I hit this one guy with no officer for all of his gold.... He retailiated 5x15 turns I sabbed him a few times then hit him again for half the amount I originally got from him. (apparently he was hunting) I got a message from him and someone else in a chain that he joined. I calmly explained my position and included the flame that he had sent. The other guy basically laughed at this dork and now if he attacks me again, I have their permission to slap him around :)


Mistfit 14-12-2005 18:15

The nice thing about sabbing IS's that you can break them yourself

BPM's can be sold off to avoid breaking

If he retaliates I will prolly go after some of them as well...

It is in his court now.

DrAlimentado 14-12-2005 20:33


romeothemonk 15-12-2005 00:47

I Can't let my buddy have all the fun. Down with SA only orcs!!

Your Chief of Intelligence dispatches 1 spies to attempt to sabotage 5 of KaraKAn-TR's weapons of type Blackpowder Missile.
Your spies successfully enter KaraKAn-TR's armory undetected, and destroy 5 of the specified type of weapon. Your spies all return safely to your camp.

Your Chief of Intelligence dispatches 1 spies to attempt to sabotage 5 of KaraKAn-TR's weapons of type Blackpowder Missile.
Your spies successfully enter KaraKAn-TR's armory undetected, and destroy 5 of the specified type of weapon. Your spies all return safely to your camp.

I also sent a nastygram.
Hope this helps

Mistfit 15-12-2005 01:20

I didn't even send a letter :D

Mistfit 28-12-2005 19:01

More people I've pissed off...
1 week ago El_IsraeliteMX 34,872,444 Gold stolen
1 week ago El_IsraeliteMX 42,347,135 Gold stolen

I think these were 2 days apart...

I get a letter saying somthing to the effect of..

You've hit me 2 times in 2 days if you do it again you will pay blah blah blah...

I passed him up a couple of times but today he had very close to 50 mil in the bank so ...

5 hours ago El_IsraeliteMX 27,110,002 Gold stolen (Sander hit)

While I was at it I happened upon his commander as well

5 hours ago NoPainNoGame 41,842,495 Gold stolen (not so Sanderish)

I think I've pissed them off now...

quote:1 hour ago MoleMan126 Sabotage 1 0
1 hour ago MoleMan126 Sabotage 1 0
1 hour ago MoleMan126 Sabotage 1 0
1 hour ago MoleMan126 Sabotage 1 0
1 hour ago MoleMan126 Sabotage 1 0
1 hour ago MoleMan126 Sabotage 1 0
1 hour ago MoleMan126 Sabotage 1 0
1 hour ago MoleMan126 Sabotage 1 1
1 hour ago MoleMan126 Sabotage 1 0
1 hour ago MoleMan126 Sabotage 1 0
1 hour ago El_IsraeliteMX Sabotage 1 0
1 hour ago El_IsraeliteMX Sabotage 1 1
1 hour ago El_IsraeliteMX Sabotage 1 1
1 hour ago El_IsraeliteMX Sabotage 1 1
1 hour ago El_IsraeliteMX Sabotage 1 0
1 hour ago El_IsraeliteMX Sabotage 1 1
1 hour ago El_IsraeliteMX Sabotage 1 0
1 hour ago El_IsraeliteMX Sabotage 1 0
1 hour ago El_IsraeliteMX Sabotage 1 1
Moleman is 2 removed from El Isra
1 hour ago MoleMan126 Attack defended 1 34 0 8,596,232 98,724,667 details

and I see this:
Invisibility Shield
4,353 were not used
5 were found to be sabotaged
Weapon strength went from 10,000 to 9,999.97

Hmm... time to get out the sabbing stick

quote:Your Chief of Intelligence dispatches 1 spies to attempt to sabotage 5 of El_IsraeliteMX's weapons of type Invisibility Shield.
Your spies successfully enter El_IsraeliteMX's armory undetected, and destroy 5 of the specified type of weapon. Your spies all return safely to your camp.

quote:Your Chief of Intelligence dispatches 1 spies to attempt to sabotage 5 of MoleMan126's weapons of type Invisibility Shield.
Your spies successfully enter MoleMan126's armory undetected, and destroy 5 of the specified type of weapon. Your spies all return safely to your camp.
Then I gave them both a love tap to break them...

I get a letter now from NoPainNoGame

quote:Stop farming us. We've given you warning before and this is the last one. Find other people to attack, otherwise we will make sure you lose gold after every single attack.
So I wrote him back a note:


quote:I honestly do not farm anyone. I search through the ranks and find people with 50+ Mil in treasury and I hit them. It just so happens that you and your officer had that much cash today... I'm not going to appoligize. Maybe you should consider banking more often... Or possibly raising your sentry a bit so I can no longer see your gold.

I will however make you a deal... I will raise you and your officer to 55 mil before I hit either of you again. Please do not think that sabbing me is going to help make me stop. Really it just makes me want to hit you more.

Have a good age


That is my fun for the day

romeothemonk 28-12-2005 19:08

That is some really good fun Mistfit!
I will be back in the game in about 4 hours, and really looking forward to it.

Plus I owe El-Israfil some sab damage of my own.

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