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ProPain 23-04-2003 11:09

ERIKK vs ProPain *spoiler*
game stats:
level : emperor
land mass : Pangea, 60% water, 5 billion, temperate, normal.
barbs : raging hordes

We decided to play emperor but to compensate barbs are set to raging hordes[evil][guns]

My start:

I move the worker and decide NOT to move towards the river because I would lose the cow for 10 turns (and lose lots of shielded grass as it turned out) also it looks like tundra behind that mountain/hill.I wanna expand anyway so that 6+ won't be an issue soon

Start building 3*JW and researching pottery. scout with JW. Meet the iroqouis in 3350BC

I get pottery + 10 gold from Hiawatha for Warrior code. Hia still has Bronze working. I want pottery now because I'mgonna pop a hut next turn and I want to be sure not to get BW (switch my research to BW)

If Hia leaves that settler without escort and within reach I will ave free workers next turn :)

WildFire 23-04-2003 13:59

He wont be that stupid.

Oh wait... ;)

ProPain 07-05-2003 14:53

Decided to leave the hut after all, to close to my capital and raging barbs are too big a risk.

Hiawatha moved his lone settler but left this:

I take the workers and we're at war now. Think awhile about attacking Salamanca or not. Decide against it, too risky. Move a 2nd JW towards Salamance and move the 1st one from the hill. That settler is still in there and maybe it will show up when I move out. COuld be 2 more slaves or maybe even a free city when I can extort it.

I meet the Scandinavians. They won't trade anything. Far away enough though not to know the Iroquois, if I can find the Iroquois scout somewhere I may be able to keep em seperated for a while and play middle man.

ProPain 08-05-2003 10:38

col 08-05-2003 12:46

Gotta love those jags in the early game. A game as the aztecs is like no other in Civ. I chose Aztecs in one pbem game then found I was alone on a small island. :(

ProPain 08-05-2003 12:55

Yeah, I'm aiming for granary, settler, JW, JW.

ProPain 11-05-2003 19:46

Iroquois settler showed up, escorted by a single warrior. Attacked it with 2nd JW, took the gamble since no1 was only 2 squares away and there's always the chance mr JW will retreat. Got warrior with one health loss. That makes for 4 slaves alrdy [Party]

ProPain 11-05-2003 19:49

forgot: I entered my GA, pretty much a waste with only one city but I only realised that after the attack. I'll cope, at least I don't have to mine that bonus grass now!

ALso the French show up they've 3 techs I dont. I trade joan wc+14 gold for bw

ProPain 16-05-2003 18:25

Here's a picture from my world in 3100BC. I made peace with the iro, met the russians near the scandinavians. Made a pretty good tech deal between french and russia/scandi. (gotin my log somewhere willpost details later)

Latest news. French move in a warrior/settler combo. It's (almost) in reach of my JW's [party]

anarres 16-05-2003 19:05

Hey PP, not using your graphics mod? [lol]

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