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Kingreno 08-09-2003 19:17

Kingreno vs Stasius ***SPOILER***
Not for your eyes Stas!

I play a Monarch PBEM vs Stasius, he plays Russia while I play Babylon. Aggie made us a continentsmap and the start looks quite nice.

Since this is a monarch game I will have enough time to settle the area and build up an army and a shitload of culture[evil]

ProPain 08-09-2003 20:45

River, shielded grass, cow. Wheat for a second city. Not bad at all!

Kingreno 13-10-2003 23:37

Th egame progresses at a steady pace. Stas has used his expansionist trait well and found a settler very early.[ponder]

I, on the other hand have build my warrior and sent him to scout arround and not opening any huts since babylon is building a granary and is without defences.
Babylon is the only size-4-city on the world at the moment with some "villages" at size 2 comming next:).
I have to guess what stas is doing because I outrank him in pop but he has 2 cities!! He has probably used a forest in the early turns to get many scouts out.

here is a screeny of my empire;

to the northwest of babylon I think a four turn settler fac is possible, so I will surely send my first in that direction.

Kingreno 20-11-2003 17:26

We're doing okay in pace and have arrived at turn 60. This is my "empire" :

I plan some more cities in the first ring and a second, and third ring are to follow that. This is made possible by a double Isthmus, ons to the SE and one to the SW, which can be seen in the following screenie.

On the Demographics things look simply awesome!

With me leading in all mayor Demographics and contact with the Iroquois to be established in the next two turns, we'll see what happens.

anarres 20-11-2003 18:45

Looking good! [coool]

ProPain 16-12-2003 23:34

How about an update??

Kingreno 17-12-2003 06:39

There is sadly not that much to report. The game progresses slowly but steadily.
A summary: I managed to block both chokepoints with units, therefor I plan to settle the entire land before going to war. I am first in all major cattegories. and am racing past all opponents in score. I know the aztecs and the Iro's, who do not know eachother. I lead both by several techs. I will post a screenie in a few days.

Skyfish 17-12-2003 08:42

Monarch is waaay below your level my friend [groucho]

Kingreno 17-12-2003 18:13

@Skyfish: I could Play a chieftain game against, for example, you and it would be a match between us and a few flies. Or on Sid, where we both take the flyrole upon ourselves.:). In the end, there is a human opponent that determines the difficulty.
I have very little intel on my opponent Stassius though, so i do not know what his level is. It is the first PBEM for both of us, though I have some more experience in other types of civplay like SG.

@lurkers and other phenomena, the land:

To the SE: the happy aztecs, who are doing okay, to the SW the crappy Iroquois.[yeah]

Skyfish 17-12-2003 21:09

Sorry my comment was not meant as a "critic" at all !
Am just sayin the AIs (...and Stasius btw) stand no chance at all [lol]

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