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ProPain 12-06-2010 20:20

Best games of the 90's
gamespy came up with this list of the 25 best games of the 90's.

Reading that list is truly a trip down memory lane for me.

Wolfenstein 3D
The only FPS that I played and really loved. I just had a soundcard in my system that was connected to my stereo which was behind me. I;ve lept in my chair quite a few times when I heard the door opening/shutting sound behind in the middle of the night.

The Secret of Monkey Island
Great game.

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
On of the 1st games I played MP, early days of RTS with great games as Dune II and C&C as well.

First MMO I played. Like one of the commentators on Gamespy said. Leveling was grinding of the worst kind, dying in an unknown place meant searching for your corpse for ages to prevent gear loss.

X-COM: UFO Defense

Doom II: Hell on Earth
Star Wars: Dark Forces

Day of the Tentacle
Great adventure, from the starting scene's where one of the tentacles drinks from the polluted water I was hooked.

Grand Theft Auto

Really fun game, but not quite top25 imo.

TIE Fighter
One of the few shooters I played.


played it quite a bit, but I liked wolfenstein better.


Sam & Max Hit the Road
Brilliant game. Should be compulsary for everybody to play once in your life.

Also quite a lot of time spent on MP'ing this. Even with the rampant cheating is was awesome.

Quake III: Arena

The Curse of Monkey Island
Another great adventure. Did I mention I miss those kind of games.

The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall

Best RTS ever. A real groundbreaking game with different races that still were balanced. Played this for years. Looking forward to the sequel, I just hope Bliz don't screw up the legacy.

Grim Fandango
I still can not fathom how this brilliant adventure could turn out to be the genre's swan song. If you've never played this, you should see if you can buy a copy on Ebay and play it now.

Baldur's Gate
I own it but didn't really play it that much. Too much Starcraft/EQ/Civ II competition I guess.

System Shock 2

Games I miss on the list:

- Civ I, Civ II, Col (obviously)
- Dune II. The game that started of RTS.
- Full Throttle
- Simon the Sorceror
- Lands of Lore.
- 7th guest/11th hour

Furiey 12-06-2010 22:04

I was a Doom/Quake player in those days. I stopped playing with Quake III arena, it was just too much shooting not enough puzzling. Plus my PC barely played it. Then I found Civ and that was that. Prior to Doom/Quake I was a text based adventure game player, somewhere I have several of the Level 9 adventures for the BBC micro and an emulator so I can still play them.

BCLG100 12-06-2010 23:30

Where's Goldeneye for the n64? one of the best multiplayer FPS ever!

Shabbaman 12-06-2010 23:45

Gamespy is retarded. I refuse to talk about it. Games that should be mentioned: FIFA, Championship manager (which shows how US-centric that crap site is), Unreal (could be the best FPS ever, although I'm happy I'm not playing it anymore), Duke Nukem 3d... But most importantly: civ1 and 2. These games are in every top 10 list of all time (including their own. Hell, all these websites do is recycle the same top lists to generate content, what moron kept these games out of this top 25? I also like how they mention GTA: GTA 1 and 2 are nice games, but not really noteworthy.

Now that that's off my chest, I agree with your sentiment PP. I think I played and enjoyed most of these games.

akots 13-06-2010 01:01

Gamespy are quite a morons IMO. There is also a few great RPGs missing from the list. Starting with Betrayal at Krondor and one of the first dungeon crawlers Eye of the Beholder (I-III). Not sure about version I, but iirc, it was released in 1991. Of course that was long before Baldur's Gate.

@PP: I actually replayed the whole series recently, it was a great fun after 10 years. Now you can download various mods and make it a complete series through all four games and even continue into Icewind Dale I and even II and run it in a window at custom resolution. Inventory mods greatly ease the management pain as well as level cap removers for BGI. Surprisingly, very many people still play and the community is very active. I don't think anything that is on today's market beats the contents. Dragon Age Origins is trying to come close though.

ProPain 13-06-2010 11:23


Originally Posted by akots (Post 127133)
Gamespy are quite a morons IMO. There is also a few great RPGs missing from the list. Starting with Betrayal at Krondor and one of the first dungeon crawlers Eye of the Beholder (I-III). Not sure about version I, but iirc, it was released in 1991. Of course that was long before Baldur's Gate.

Betrayal at Krondor and EotB, those were great games as well! Have you played Lands of Lore? First one is really really good, II and III are mediocre.

Reading your post makes me wanna install BG and start again, if only I had the time.... I have a large box full of old games, thinking of turning one of my old laptops into a retro gaming machine.

Furiey 13-06-2010 12:04

I'm not sure whether it's easier today to hide lack of content behind flashy looks or not. After all some of these games were amazing graphically in their day.

barbu1977 13-06-2010 15:41

I think it's missing one of the Heroes of Might and Magic (2 or 3).

X-com was indeed great game. I played plenty.

Also, where is Myst?

akots 13-06-2010 21:01


Originally Posted by ProPain (Post 127135)
... thinking of turning one of my old laptops into a retro gaming machine.

You don't need an old machine to run BG. It runs surprisingly well under Vista (and presumably Win7, even 64-bit) with BG Trilogy mod at 1024 resolution.

ProPain 13-06-2010 22:07


Originally Posted by akots (Post 127143)
You don't need an old machine to run BG. It runs surprisingly well under Vista (and presumably Win7, even 64-bit) with BG Trilogy mod at 1024 resolution.

I was thinking about a gaming machine to keep my work laptop a bit cleaner.

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