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sz_matyas 27-08-2007 02:55

Season 33- Round 6
Won 7-0 setting a team record with 41 stars and a league play record of 164 hatstats. On the downside the 2nd team and only competition for the league just went ownerless, so what little joy is left in matches is gone. Also my top winger got hurt for 5 weeks (at 26 yrs old), since I'm going to be switching training it isn't as bad as could be, but still frustrating.

akots 27-08-2007 03:01

Won at home 4-1 and jumped temporarily to the 3rd place. That would change since I'm certainly losing the next 2 or 3 matches but still, 3 more points get me further away from the bottom.

Robboo 27-08-2007 04:11

WOW...jumped into 2nd. Chance at first since i figured out 1st place cant play winger defense. I played wing attack and got a passable in it. I am going to go back to AIM for the rest of the games prior to ours.

My purchases this week solidified my defense and no tin time for this match I picked up a better forward. With the sales of some trainees and some old guys I will make a profit. Take this weeks profit plus next weeks home match and I have a stadium expansion paid for.

Aggie 27-08-2007 07:02

Congrats to the three of you!

I won my home match 1-0 in a full stadium. I had to play the team with the very strong defense and he pressed. Those games you never know what will happen. But I managed to win it and I'm still first with 3 points ahead of my rival for the title. I did lose my star midfielder for 3 weeks though.

But then I am selling a brilliant 18 yo winger. I planned to buy back a young strong defender with winger at passable or strong. This will have to be a new PM I guess. An extra PM was always going to be 2nd or 3rd on my wishlist.

socralynnek 27-08-2007 08:54

Won 5-1 at home vs a team that had 3 points more than me.

I didn't PIC which was a good decision as otherwise it could have been close.

Now I have 6 points more than no 7 and 6 points less than no 2 playing the weakest team twice in a row.

Looks like a non - spectacular league this season for me.

Kingreno 27-08-2007 09:43

My opponent bancrupted himself causing a 0-0-0 line up and a 5-0 win for me.

Dell19 27-08-2007 13:53

I won 4-3 although the scoreline could have been a little more convincing. Next week will be an important match and I think I will need a bit of luck to avoid defeat so I am half tempted to PIC and ensure I can get a result at home although attendence wise it might be better to do it the other way round.

arne1 27-08-2007 21:13

finally got a win again 3-0, still strugling int race against relegation, but at least I am above the dreaded line now.

BCLG100 27-08-2007 22:15

won, got two players injured in the process including my winger :(

failedreality 28-08-2007 01:17

I took a draw against the 2nd place team, still have 4 out due to injury and I have pissed everyone off.. :)

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