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DaveShack 05-07-2006 20:08

Spoiler: CFC Demogame Cage Match (conquests)
This is my spoiler thread for the CFC Demogame Cage Match, a Conquests game with Donsig, RegentMan, and Strider.

At present we're at around turn 28. I have two cities, and know that Donsig also has two. Strider's capital is still size 1, so he's probablly been churning settlers.

The land mass looks like a custom mirror image. Rik Meleet created it.

DaveShack 05-07-2006 20:59

Here's a pic of the land bridge between "my" area and at least one of the others. Looks just like a pinwheel.

Tubby Rower 05-07-2006 21:10

that's one juicy cow.... you even get seafood and bread with it. too bad it's close to the center

DaveShack 06-07-2006 05:35

Here's the rest of the picture. Mr Brown can moo, can you moo too?

Furiey 06-07-2006 10:21

Wow, good Settler factory there!

DaveShack 08-07-2006 01:53

RegentMan (Egypt) made contact and sent the wheel in a trade offer, but I had just finished researching it. I answered no to that trade and sent back alphabet. The next save is waiting for me at home with his reply giving masonry and warrior code. (!!) We're off to a good start trading. :D

DaveShack 02-09-2006 21:53

Hmm, forgot to update this for a while.

I've met all the other players. The land is symmetrical, with possibly the type of lux being the only variation.

After realizing at the completion of writing (I could still trade it to everyone when I finished it) that the others had not gotton a jump on me for Philosophy, I checked the demographics page and found myself a clear 1st in GNP. Didn't take long to decide I should go for it. :D

Donsig got polytheism a couple of turns before I got philo. After a couple of diplomatic exchanges we decided on a trade -- donsig gave poly, I took monarchy as the free tech and gave it to donsig. At present, donsig owes me 130g worth of tech, which is promised as a lucrative deal on future tech.

Babylon switched to monarchy (2 turns of anarchy) and will open a gap up to the point that someone gets republic. A granary finishes next turn, after which I'll be pumping 4 turn settlers and trying to build units in the other towns fast enough to keep up with escort duties. :D

Donsig and Strider both have warriors in "my" section of the map. No reason to piss them off, so I'm not making an issue of it right now.

We'll see how long this one stays friendly. The free tech from being scientific will result in a long-term lead unless they all decide to gang up.

Strider still hadn't showed up with Philo 3 turns after I got it, which makes me wonder if he went for lit instead, or was planning to do a Republic slingshot (CoL first) and got caught by the beeline.

Whomp 02-09-2006 22:41

Nice work Dave. Is the a landbrige connecting everyone? Who do you fear the most?

BCLG100 02-09-2006 23:51

id fear RM the most as he has us lot offering him advice as well :D

DaveShack 18-12-2006 20:34

Wow, time really flies. I've been somewhat distracted, sorry about the lack of updates.

Current status:
I'm in Monarchy, the rest are still despots. Obviously they're all holding out for republic, but in the meantime I'll get in quite a few turns of better production.

Donsig and I are one tech each away from the middle ages -- he has construction and I have currency. I'll be the only one to get a free tech, which will be nice. I waited too long to inquire about the trade, and he says he already made a deal with RM. Then I realized I don't want a fast tech pace yet anyway...

I'm trying to build the GLib, more to prevent one of the others from doing so than to get a lot of benefit. If it works out, I can bank several hundred gold on min research.

Top priority just became squeezing out some units and busting as much fog as possible. Don't know what the barb setting is, and if raging I want outbreaks to happen on my terms and not next to workers.

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